- 看过 fair sex 的人也看了 :
- gentle sex
- women
- womenfolk
fair sex 的定义
Older Use: Sometimes Offensive.
- women as a group: an insult to the fair sex.
fair sex 近义词
female sex
fair sex 的近义词 3 个
更多fair sex例句
- However much we gossip about heterosexual couples with large age gaps, we at least refrain from calling them sex offenders.
- Scruff believes that sex is not the primary concern of users.
- To those who agreed with him, Bush pledged that the law against same-sex marriage would remain intact.
- Bush busy engaging constituents on both sides of the same-sex marriage debate ahead of the 2004 presidential election.
- This week, Florida became the 36th state to allow same-sex marriage.
- Finally, let me ask the general reader to put aside all prejudice, and give both sides a fair hearing.
- Grandmamma sits in her quaint arm-chair— Never was lady more sweet and fair!
- He was tall and of familiar figure, and the firelight was playing in the tossed curls of his short, fair hair.
- Mary is fair as the morning dew— Cheeks of roses and ribbons of blue!
- May looked along at the dimpled grace, And then at the saint-like, fair old face, “How funny!”